Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Why pick up trash at the beach?

Arriving at the beach, there is much to be done...
marine debris found on the beach in Oregon
Because I own a fishing vessel...
that may have been responsible for this.
My sons and I like to go to the beach to walk and explore.
Nearly always, we bring plastic bags along with.

We fill them with plastic debris, and take them away to be recycled or trashed.
Much of it is on the order of plastic bottles, but a good portion is also tsunami debris and various items related to fishing, both commercial and sport.

In my observations (far from scientific) of the majority of a life spent at the ocean and river's edge, I have seen a marked increase in plastic debris (naturally), and seasonally, these items change in type as well.

Summer and "tourist" season brings more to go type garbage, and bait trays, lures and lighters and cans.

Winter tends to drive shoreward the far-flung and the crab gear: line, buoys, baiters and totes along with floats from our Western neighbors in Asia.  The past year or so has been increasingly likely that we will retrieve something that was taken to sea by the March, 2011 tsunami that hit Japan.

To set a good example for the next generation

Picking up the everyday items such as shoes, cosmetic bottles, household pieces and food containers brings a sadness for them, realizing that there was such a great loss of life, and loss in general.  Loss of livelihoods and homes, family and friends.  I also realize that we are all in the same boat so to speak.  Living by the shore...like me.

Owning a commercial fishing vessel, I of course have to accept that some of this plastic belonged to me, and since I gain my living from these items, and more importantly the sea itself, it is my duty.

Because this can't be good for the environment

It's interesting...

Mostly, I pick up marine debris because I love my sons, I love the Earth, and my community, and I want to keep it clean.
Because we have all forgotten something
Because these are death to
sea turtles and other marine life
Because they deserve a clean beach and ocean, too.

Because at any time, we may be asked to walk
a mile in someone else's shoes.
Because this looks better without all of that.

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